associated press

The End of an Institution

Aug 29, 2008
I suppose I should be sad to watch the decline of the once mighty political media, an institution that trained and nurtured me. But that's not how I feel. For this was the institution that cheered when President Bush took us to war. This is also the institution that is getting this Democratic National Convention wrong, obsessed with a phony feud between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, wasting time interviewing that small but vengeful cult, the die-hard Hillaryites.

AP Keeps Bush in (Fact) Check

Sep 16, 2007
File this one under "Good Uses of Journalistic Resources": The Associated Press marshaled its fact-checking talents and expertise to dissect President Bush's speech on Thursday, issuing corrections to some of Bush's claims in this handy point-by-point analysis.

Pat Tillman Murdered?

Jul 27, 2007
Defense Department documents handed over to the Associated Press under a Freedom of Information Act request raised the possibility that the "friendly-fire" death of soldier Pat Tillman, a former NFL player, was the result of an intentional act that amounted to a crime.
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