By Danny Sjursen / TomDispatchNov 27, 2017
The author imagines an alternative strategy for then-President George W. Bush on Sept. 12, 2001, and beyond. Dig deeper ( 13 Min. Read )
Chris Hedges / TruthdigApr 8, 2017
Amid the U.S. outrage over Syrian civilian deaths from banned weapons, we should not forget America’s role in creating and perpetuating the seemingly endless conflict. Dig deeper ( 6 Min. Read )
By David Gibbs / AlterNetApr 3, 2017
The linguist and political commentator discusses the U.S. president, Russia, history and the future in a recent interview. (Pictured, two scientists at a Jan. 26 news conference.) Dig deeper ( 20 Min. Read )
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Jordan Riefe / TruthdigNov 11, 2016
The documentary makes a strong case, with input from a starring lineup of left-leaning investigative reporters, in support of a theme that keeps repeating. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
By Nika Knight / Common DreamsNov 2, 2016
The ICC has famously failed to investigate powerful Western nations but has prosecuted African dictators, a disparity so glaring that several African countries recently quit the court, condemning it as the “International Caucasian Court.” Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigApr 9, 2016
Fair's "candid and chilling new book" is “at once an agonized confession of his own complicity as an interrogator at Abu Ghraib and an indictment of the system that enabled and tried to justify torture,” writes Michiko Kakutani at The New York Times. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Roisin Davis / TruthdigFeb 6, 2016
After a decade-long legal battle, the Department of Defense releases 198 photos of detainee abuse at two dozen U.S. military sites across Iraq and Afghanistan. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Roisin Davis / TruthdigDec 21, 2015
A handful of US personnel made reports on the lethal brutality after it occurred in 2012, and their accounts were brought to public attention by three New York Times writers last week This combined effort has informed the American citizenry, once again, about atrocities committed in its name
A handful of U. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
By Amy Goodman and Denis MoynihanJul 16, 2015
This month, the APA released a stunning independent report that confirms what whistleblowers and dissident psychologists have maintained for close to a decade. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigJul 14, 2015
In the final installment of The Real News Network’s series of interviews on “Reality Asserts Itself,” Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer explains how an infatuation with American culture and an ignorance of American history have led to unbelievable levels of brutality and destruction. Dig deeper ( 16 Min. Read )
Kasia Anderson / TruthdigMay 18, 2015
How did the veteran journalist's recent investigation into how the Obama administration might not have shot straight with its account of how Osama bin Laden met his end in 2011 turn into another tedious attempt to shoot the messenger by certain members of the U.S. media? Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
BLANKMay 3, 2015
Health care professionals and human rights experts have blown the whistle on the American Psychological Association for providing the US with ethical and legal cover for torture of terrorism suspects . Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
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