Inside the Anti-War Veterans Movement That Wants Trump Impeached (Photo Essay)

November 13, 2019 12 photos
  • Secret Service and New York Police Department officers were positioned on rooftops all around Madison Square Park as they waited for President Trump’s motorcade to arrive. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

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  • Outside on the street, other protest groups attempted to drown out Trump’s speech. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • There were also plenty of Trump allies in the crowd. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • Members of Common Defense, Jose Vasquez, left, Alex McCoy and Common Defense Development Director Jessica James. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • Marine and Common Defense organizer Kyle Pritz: “We want the world to know that Trump doesn’t speak for all veterans.” (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • “The sort of division that Trump has put into this country is something that we would never accept in the military,” said Marine and Afghanistan veteran Kyle Bibby. “I feel personally frustrated and attacked by this president, by the things that he’s said and he’s not cut out to be commander in chief or president.” (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • Iraq Army veteran Alex Abramovich called Muslims in the U.S. military “the best of what [the military] has to offer” and observed that “a lot of the spiritual teachings of Islam is what makes Muslims committed to their service.” Abramovich did not harbor the same respect for the president, saying it was “an insult” to have Trump leading U.S. troops. “Trump does not serve the veteran community. He serves himself. It’s all about his ego.” (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • Sandbags are affixed to the bottom of a banner. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • Members of the anti-war, anti-Trump veterans group Common Defense staged multiple banner drops as President Trump kicked off the 100th New York City Veterans Day Parade. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • When Trump’s motorcade arrived, it parked just beneath a spot where members of Common Defense awaited and dropped the group’s first banner. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • The moment Donald Trump began speaking, Common Defenders unfurled a banner 16 stories above the ceremony that read: “VETS 4 IMPEACHMENT.” (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)

  • Boos, whistles and jeers rang out and another banner was dropped in the midst of the president’s speech. (Michael Nigro / Truthdig)