
The Frist File

Dec 8, 2005
Was Frist playing doctor when he pushed legislation for medical reform or just lining his pockets? Get background on the accusations of Medicare fraud, conflict of interest and insider trading facing Sen. Bill Frist.
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Texas Roundup

Dec 6, 2005
No get-out-of-jail-free card for former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay A Texas court upheld a felony indictment for DeLay on charges of money laundering in connection with a 2002 Texas election A separate indictment for criminal conspiracy was dismissed .

Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Torture

Dec 4, 2005
Condi Rice is so tired of Old Europe and its human rights complaints. Big deal, so the CIA is using Soviet era torture camps in Eastern Europe to stash "war on terror" prisoners. Don't those fusspots in the EU understand that our use of torture is fundamentally different because we are the good guys and that Eastern Europe has been liberated? That outmoded European slogan of "friends don't let friends use torture" is so over.

Jack, Not Iraq, Is the Biggest Threat to Bush

Dec 2, 2005
Prediction: It's the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, not Iraq, that will unravel the Bush empire. Abramoff will follow the lead of his partner, Michael Scanlon, in copping a plea bargain with prosecutors, whose likely targets include Tom DeLay, many other congressional Republicans and key players in the administration.