Border Futures: An Exploration of What’s Next For The US-Mexico Frontier
12:00 PM PDT / 3:00 PM EDT 14th August 2024 DescriptionAn in-depth discussion of possible futures in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Who will attempt to cross this territory — and why — in the coming years and decades? Which new technologies will be deployed for and against migrants, and how are new laws changing the future?
Read our Dig series: ‘At the Border in 2024’.
Lillian Perlmutter is an independent journalist based in Mexico City. She has covered migration from the U.S.-Mexico border, the migrant trail and several countries of origin. Her articles about issues ranging from border crossings to kidnappings for ransom have been published in numerous outlets, including Truthdig, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times, and Foreign Policy Magazine.

Luis Chaparro has reported for over a decade on criminal organizations and U.S.-Mexico binational issues from the Texas border. His stories have been featured in VICE News and Al Jazeera, and he now writes exclusively for Saga, his own Substack publication.

Jenn Budd is a former senior intelligence agent in San Diego, and the author of the memoir “Against the Wall: My Journey From Border Patrol Agent to Immigrant Rights Activist.”

Todd Miller has written about border issues from both the United States and Mexico. He’s the author of several books, including “Build Bridges Not Walls: A Journey to a World Without Borders” and “Empire of Borders: The Expansion of the US Border Around the World.”