Tad Daley

Tad Daley

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Tad Daley is the author of "Apocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World" from Rutgers University Press. He serves today as Director of Policy Analysis at Citizens for Global Solutions. He’s...


Reimagining the United Nations: A 2020 Vision

Sep 7, 2016
The intergovernmental organization was invented in 1945 to promote international cooperation after World War II. Isn't time to devise a system of global governance that focuses on problems of the 21st century?The intergovernmental organization was invented in 1945 to promote international cooperation after World War II. Isn't it time to devise a system of global governance that focuses on problems of the 21st century?

Tad Daley: Watered-Down Terror

Aug 23, 2006
"Liquids on a Plane" may have caught our attention, but the real terror threat is nuclear, as a newly released report makes so apocalyptically clear. An analyst with the Nobel Prize-winning outfit Physicians for Social Responsibility lays out the progressive case for staving off nuclear holocaust.

America and Iran: Three Nuclear Ironies

Jul 8, 2006
The United States is apparently considering the use of nuclear weapons to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. How can we contemplate nuking people who might nuke people to show that nuking people is wrong? A veteran nuclear weapons expert at Physicians for Social Responsibility unpacks the apocalyptic irony.