Scott Tucker

Scott Tucker

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Scott Tucker is a writer and a democratic socialist. His book of essays, "The Queer Question: Essays on Desire and Democracy," was published by South End Press in 1997. He met Larry Gross in...


Doug Ireland, Radical Journalist: 1946 – 2013

Oct 30, 2013
Doug Ireland was not only a left-wing critic of sexual and political conformism among sectors of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movements, but he was also one of the notable public intellectuals of the civil libertarian left.Doug Ireland was not only a left-wing critic of sexual and political conformism, but he was also one of the notable public intellectuals of the civil libertarian left.

Are Muslims Our Misfortune? Exploring a Loaded Question

Sep 28, 2012
A woman begins covering a provocative subway station poster with spray paint. Another woman demands to know why she is defacing "an approved message," and why she has "a right to violate free speech." The woman replies that she is exercising her own free speech. That’s the short story. Have you already made up your mind about who is right and who is wrong?A woman paints over a subway station poster. When asked why she has "a right to violate free speech," she says she is exercising her own free speech. Who is right and wrong?

Obama’s Confederate Marriage Policy

Jun 8, 2012
Obama has not changed his long held position that each state still has the right to be an experimental station for or against marital equality, though most states now have some form of legal ban against gay marriage.Obama has not changed his long held position that each state still has the right to be an experimental station for or against marital equality.

May Day 2012: The Call for a General Strike

Mar 15, 2012
In the winter of 2011, discussion about calling a general strike had already begun within Occupy Los Angeles. At the end of January 2012, in the wake of police raids against Occupy encampments, Occupy Los Angeles issued a call for a May Day general strike, which was quickly endorsed by Occupy Oakland. In the winter of 2011, discussion about calling a general strike had already begun within Occupy Los Angeles.

Make Your Vote Count for Socialism

Feb 29, 2012
Stewart Alexander believes fair elections are worth a fair fight and he’s asking for your vote The Occupy Wall Street movement encouraged a more honest discussion of class and capitalism in this country, but Alexander is not simply a critic of big banks and high finance .