Scott Martelle

Scott Martelle

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Veteran journalist Scott Martelle has written books on the Ludlow Massacre, the Red Scare clampdown on civil liberties, the history of Detroit and the story of the century-long search for John Paul Jones' body....


As Goes Colorado, So Goes the Nation?

Jan 5, 2014
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, formerly opposed, now reportedly backs loosening some restrictions on marijuana use by medical patients, as support for legalizing pot grows like, well, a weed.

We Know the NSA Spies on Us — but on Whom Specifically? And Why?

Dec 29, 2013
Author Seth Rosenfeld, whose book "Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals, and Reagan's Rise to Power" explored the federal government's domestic spying programs of a generation ago, calls for a new incarnation of the Church Committee to mine the extent of present-day domestic spying. But can this Congress focus on truth ahead of political spin and gamesmanship?

McKibben on Obama, Environment: The Cynics ‘Were Right’

Dec 23, 2013
Writer and environmental activist Bill McKibben slaps the administration for taking on easy battles, sidestepping the tough ones and trying to claim environmental progress. Meanwhile, the earth continues to heat up as Obama pursues oil- and coal-based energy policies, and then brags about them.

The CIA and NSA Helped Colombia Target and Kill FARC Leaders

Dec 22, 2013
A clandestine program that began under the Bush administration and continues under the Obama administration led to the killings of at least two dozen leaders of the rebel group, The Washington Post reports. How did the U.S. justify involving itself in assassinations by another government? The same Office of Legal Counsel that OK'd the use of torture said it could.

Meanwhile, the Ugliness in Syria Goes On

Dec 20, 2013
A disturbingly high number of children have been killed in the conflict, and evidence emerges that the Syrian government has engaged in a protracted campaign of “disappearing” young men thought opposed to the Assad regime. A United Nations body described the practice as a crime against humanity.