
The Final Stage of the Machiavellian Elites’ Takeover of America
Apr 28, 2017 Neoconservatism was born during the Cold War with an overt mission to roll back Russian/Soviet influence everywhere. That mission continues today.
How the CIA Created a Fake Western Reality for ‘Unconventional Warfare’
Apr 26, 2017 In 1950, the CIA helped establish the Congress for Cultural Freedom—an anti-communist advocacy group—to neutralize political opposition to Anglo-American culture.
How Neocons Push for War by Cooking the Books
Apr 25, 2017 To understand America’s drift into despotism over the last 40 years, we must de-encrypt the evolution of its secret "double government."
American Imperialism Leads the World Into Dante’s Vision of Hell
Apr 24, 2017 This four-part series called "Universal Empire" examines the current stage of the neocon takeover of American policy that began after World War II.
How the Neocons Shaped America’s Russia Phobia
Apr 28, 2018 The neoconservative crusade to capture the mind of the United States did not end with the Cold War but instead entered a new and more dangerous phase.
The Western Neocons’ Crippling Fraud Against Russia
Apr 27, 2018 A handful of economists helped to throw 100 million Russians into poverty overnight in the 1990s—privatizing, or, as some would say, piratizing, that nation's economy.