TD Original

39 Million Reasons to Know Us
Feb 7, 2018 Seventy percent of the 56 million Americans with disabilities are voters who should not have to fight to join marches and political rallies.
Why People With Disabilities Can’t Present Their Version of the Truth
May 8, 2017 When Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks labeled physical illness a moral failing, there were no disabled reporters to question him.The Democratic National Committee Needs a Hero
Feb 23, 2017 The next DNC chair has an important job: protect the rights of citizens and stand up for the rule of law.
Writer and Actress Lynn Ferguson on the Art—and Power—of Storytelling
Nov 10, 2016 The sister of comedian Craig Ferguson is a versatile performer, whether she’s doing stand-up, improv or a "Moth Radio Hour" story. She also teaches others how to tell stories and master their craft.
Time to Include the Disability Community in News Conversations on Police Brutality
Oct 18, 2016 Half of police killings involve people with a mental disorder, but little attention is paid to the issue in media coverage. This failing, whether due to a lack of education or prejudice, is hurting the most vulnerable members of society.