Col. Ann Wright

Col. Ann Wright

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Ann Wright is a retired Army Reserve colonel and a 29-year veteran of the Army and Army Reserves. She was one of only three persons who resigned from the U.S. government in opposition to...


What is Irresponsible and Provocative — Israel’s Blockade of Gaza or The Gaza Flotilla?

Jun 4, 2011
We will continue to challenge Israel's impunity of acting beyond international law and will sail to Gaza until Israel ends its naval blockade of Gaza. We on the US Boat to Gaza have the audacity to hope that the United States will finally use its substantial economic leverage to convince Israel it is in its own security interest, as well as the security interest of the United States, to end the blockade of Gaza.

Obama’s Afghanistan War: Waist Deep in the Big Muddy and the Captain Says Push On

Sep 30, 2010
A perfect storm is developing against the American military in the Afghan/Pak theater as floods, drones, ongoing revelations of war crimes by exhausted and jaded troops as well as American trained death squads, hatred for Blackwater and its clones, Pashtun ambitions for a Pashtunistan and an America teetering on the edge of economic depression all continue to intensify the coming storm's ferocity.

Israel Calls Challenge to Blockade of Gaza a “provocative joke”

Sep 28, 2010
Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, Andy David, described the "Irene's" mission as "a provocative joke that isn't funny." We say to Mr. David and the Israeli and US governments that these international citizen initiatives are not jokes and the only "provocative" issue, and it's not a joke, is the collective punishment of 1.5 million Palestinians by Israel and the international community.