
U.S. Media and the Cartoons: Who Published? Who Didn’t?
Feb 11, 2006 The decision over whether to republish controversial images of Muhammad has caused intense debates in the editorial board rooms of news organizations across the country. Truthdig offers its readers a primer.
Sen. Leahy Smacks Gonzales Around in Video
Feb 10, 2006 Leahy, exasperated at Alberto Gonzales' refusal to answer questions about Bush's spying program, lets rip a Jon Stewart-quality zinger: "Of course, Mr. Attorney General, I forgot. You can't answer any questions that might be relevant to this." | video
Does Bush Have Pre-Senile Dementia?
Feb 6, 2006 That is the provocative claim illustrated by this video, which compares the president's current rhetorical skills with his speaking prowess in 1994.This video has been around since 2004, but it's new to us. video | the story behind the video
United Farm Workers Strike Back at the L.A. Times
Feb 4, 2006 The UFW refutes allegations that it exploits the legacy of Cesar Chavez Update No 1: Read how it took three phone calls from a congressman and a former cabinet secretary before the LA Times would meet with the UFW 2: Check out an executive summary of the UFW's charges 3: Marc Cooper on the UFW's threat to sue him over a negative column he wrote 4: The L Times prints several corrections to the story.
Kucinich Blasts Bush’s State of the Union
Feb 1, 2006 In an exclusive Truthdig podcast, Rep. Dennis Kucinich swings away at the president. Excerpt: "[Bush] hasn't gotten the message that all his underpinnings of the war have been knocked out. They're standing totally on lies." | podcast and transcript
Media Outlets Censor Tape of Kidnapped Reporter
Jan 31, 2006 Jill Caroll, 28, appears pleading and weeping in a newly released tape. | storyTruthdig says: Al Jazeera won't let us hear Carroll's voice because it would be too "upsetting" to viewers. CNN CNN's "The Situation Room" won't even show a clip. What exactly is going on here? Why not let us, the viewers, decide what's too "upsetting"? How is this any different from Bush's censorship of coffins returning home from Iraq? We've watched jetliners packed with innocents crash into our Twin Towers. We've watched Iraqi civilians bombed in real time by our own forces. Since when did we become unable to judge for ourselves what we need to see to make sense of the world around us?Boot Camps for Wayward Teens Go Unregulated Overseas
Jan 27, 2006 Sketchy US operators of "tough love" schools skirt American regulations by operating in other countries Sorta like sketchy U corporations that skirt American taxes by having mailboxes in other countries AlterNet's got the goods .
Sex-War Synergy at AOL
Jan 25, 2006 AOL's tasteless feature Hollywood "Babes in Arms" proves that mass media remains unbowed in its pursuit of exploiting war as a sexy, romantic profit center.
Iraqi Voting Tally Deals Deathblow to Neocon Fantasies
Jan 20, 2006 The parliamentary results are confirmed: Shiites will dominate both the Sunnis and the Kurds in Iraq So while the US tries to intimidate Iran over its nukes, Iranian-bred theocratic Shiites--those most hostile to our interests--are in the ascendancy in Iraq So much for the neocons' "Field of Dreams" scenario for creating democracy in Iraq: "If you break it, they will come" | storyAlso, read Juan Cole on how Bush created a theocracy in Iraq | columnAnd read Robert Scheer on Iran's victory in Iraqcom/eartotheground/item/irans_victory_in_iraq/" title="item">itemUpdate: A former Pentagon analyst is sentenced to 12 years-plus for leaking confidential documents in an attempt to get the U to take the threat of Iran more seriously | storyUpdate No 2: Iran and Iraq are already linking arms on the construction of electricity facilities .