
Ned Lamont: The Truthdig Interview
Apr 26, 2006 The wealthy cable entrepreneur and darling of the progressive blogosphere discusses his antiwar primary challenge against Connecticut's pro-war Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman. "The state party brass, they don't like primaries. Competition is a little unsettling to them."Iran Joins the Nuclear Club, Moves Toward Large-Scale Enrichment
Apr 12, 2006 Tehran successfully enriched uranium for the first time on Tuesday, and signaled its intention to expand the program rapidly.
Michael Pollan: The Truthdig Interview
Apr 12, 2006 The country's leading author on the natural world discusses his new book, "The Omnivore's Dilemma," which details the truth behind "free range" chicken; the "illusions" of Whole Foods stores; and the reason why the cheapest calories are the least healthy.
Sam Harris: The Truthdig Interview
Apr 4, 2006 The best-selling author of "The End of Faith" talks about the way to navigate a dinner party without coming off as the Antichrist; about the "Salman Rushdie effect" that accompanies his newfound celebrity as America's most prominent atheist; and about the new secular foundation he is founding.
Taking On the Israel Lobby
Mar 28, 2006 Two respected researchers have touched off a firestorm with their report arguing that America's pro-Israel lobby has badly damaged the United States' strategic interests. Check out this Truthdig report on the reactions from all sides of the debate.
Bernie Sanders’ Independent Revolution
Mar 22, 2006 In this March 2006 Truthdig Interview Bernie Sanders discusses his quest to become the junior senator from Vermont. Sanders, the U.S. House's sole Independent and only socialist, defeated his opponent Richard Tarrant in a landslide victory and is now Senator-elect.Court OKs Anti-Abortion License Plates
Mar 18, 2006 A federal appeals court allows the state of Tennessee to offer anti-abortion license plates that read, "Choose Life." The court says that although the decision to offer the plates may be ill-advised, it does not contravene the First Amendment. Of all the odd places for an abortion-rights battle to show up, state license plates has to be atop the list.The Mysterious Death of Pat Tillman
Mar 8, 2006 The Army is set to open a criminal investigation into the death of the former NFL star and Army Ranger. Sort the facts for yourself with Truthdig's related articles, photos and movies.
Chertoff Goes Mum on Portgate
Feb 21, 2006 Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff on the proposed deal to cede control of six US ports to the United Arab Emirates: "The discussions are classified" Truthdig doesn't pretend to understand the ins and outs of port ownership logistics, but we are troubled by Think Progress' revelation that a country linked with international terrorism is going to have dominion over 40% of the U cargo bound for Iraq .
Jon Stewart Runs on CNN International
Feb 20, 2006 OK, all you expatriates probably already knew this, but Truthdig didn't: "The Daily Show" runs on CNN International outside the U.S. Think about that: Millions (perhaps billions) of foreigners get Jon Stewart's version of America on a relatively straight-news-oriented channel. Depending on how you feel about Stewart's sensibility, that's either wonderful or troubling. (This snippet of news comes near the end of a hilarious article about Stewart's upcoming gig at the Oscars.)