Anna Rebriiis a US–based researcher and freelance journalist focused on the Kurdish issue in Syria and Turkey and Indigenous movements in Mexico. Her writing has appeared in The Nation, Jacobin, Truthout, openDemocracy, and other...
Anna Rebriiis a US–based researcher and freelance journalist focused on the Kurdish issue in Syria and Turkey and Indigenous movements in Mexico. Her writing has appeared in The Nation, Jacobin, Truthout, openDemocracy, and other outlets.
Anna Rebrii / TruthdigMay 20, 2024
Nuevas amenazas han complicado, pero no extinguido, el experimento revolucionario mexicano en Chiapas. Dig deeper ( 10 Min. Read )
Anna Rebrii / TruthdigMay 20, 2024
New threats have complicated, but not extinguished, Mexico’s revolutionary experiment in Chiapas. Dig deeper ( 9 Min. Read )
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