Kathryn Mathers / Africa Is a CountryThe humanitarian-industrial complex should be dismantled — but not by a billionaire-backed administration with no plan beyond abandonment.Economic Justice
Anna Claire Vollers / StatelineUncertainty at the federal level is fueling attacks on the program by GOP state lawmakers. Insurance for millions could vanish.Politics
Eli Zeger / TruthdigOf everything lost in the age of streaming, no film genre casualty is as regrettable — or as ripe for a comeback — as the paranoid political thriller.Courts & Law
Hannah Allam / ProPublicaSweeping clemency for Capitol rioters and the removal of career national security specialists foretell a permissive climate for certain kinds of extremism.
Conor Lynch / TruthdigThe imminent government-wide implementation of Schedule F will go far toward transforming the federal bureaucracy into an extension of presidential power.Labor
Sam Pizzigati / Inequality.orgA hundred years ago, a bookie bought the New York Giants for $500. Now the Super Bowl stands as our nation’s most visible symbol of plutocratic excess.
Davin Faris / Waging NonviolenceThe group says its confrontational tactics can win over alienated MAGA voters and mobilize a larger and more powerful climate movement.Americas
Francisco Javier Bonilla / NACLATrump's threat to take back the canal signals a new era of U.S. expansionism and the greatest attack on Central American sovereignty since the 1990s.
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