
Transborder Immigrant Tool Series: In Life-or-Death Matters, Taste Is Relative, Testing Is Crucial

Aug 31, 2016
The sixth poem in "The Desert Survival Series / La serie de sobrevivencia del desierto" tells us that while taste—like poetry—may seem irrelevant as one risks one's life crossing the US- Mexico border, it can be a means of survival The sixth poem in "The Desert Survival Series / La serie de sobrevivencia del desierto" tells us that while taste—like poetry—may seem irrelevant as one risks one's life crossing the U- Mexico border, it can be used as a means of survival .
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Birth Control Is the New Poison

Feb 25, 2013
Laws proposed this year include a bill whose proponent is an Oklahoma cardiologist who sees venomous effects in hormonal contraception for women; the Obama administration has created a policy that will allow more public access to federally financed research; meanwhile, an Italian newspaper claims Pope Benedict resigned thanks to pressure from a secret gay lobby. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Extinction: Another One Bites the Dust

Oct 25, 2011
A subspecies of rhino native to Southeast Asia has been wiped out. There are now just 50 members of its parent species, the Javan rhino, left in the world. It's a reminder that the danger in endangered is real, and we can't just sit back and hope conservationists can keep human beings from annihilating Earth's biodiversity. (more)

A World Without Tuna

Mar 18, 2010
They served whale at a Santa Monica sushi restaurant. But where are the shock, horror and hidden cameras when the sashimi comes out? Tuna are rapidly vanishing from the Earth's oceans. An effort to ban the export of Atlantic bluefin tuna just failed at a U.N. meeting, because the countries that sell the animals as food are worried about their fishermen.